Monday, September 19, 2011

Warren on Watership Down

Indonesian Flag

"On 26 December 2004, a massive earthquake and tsunami devastated parts of northern Sumatra, particularly Aceh. Partly as a result of the need for cooperation and peace during the recovery from the tsunami in Aceh, peace talks between the Indonesian government and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) were restarted. Accords signed in Helsinki created a framework for military de-escalation in which the government has reduced its military presence, as members of GAM's armed wing decommission their weapons and apply for amnesty. The agreement also allows for Acehnese nationalist forces to form their own party, and other autonomy measures." (

Warren on Watership Down
“Since leaving the warren of the snares they had become warier, shrewder, a tenacious band who understood each other and worked together. There was no more quarreling. The truth about the warren had been a grim shock. They had come closer together, relying on and valuing each other’s capacities. They knew now that it was on these and on nothing else that their lived depended, and they were not going to waste anything they possessed between them” (Adams 122).


When looking at Indonesia and the warren on Watership Down, many connections can be drawn. In both situations, the people/rabbits involved come out better in the end after surviving harsh circumstances and disasters together. In the case of Indonesia, the country as a whole strengthened gastronomically after the earthquake and tsunami, as did the rabbits in the warren on Watership Down after escaping from Cowslip's Warren. 


"The human rights situation in the country remains poor, with backsliding in some areas, especially media freedom, religious freedom, and political participation. Restrictions on freedom of assembly, expression, and religion continue, as do arbitrary arrest and detention, and the imprisonment of persons for politically motivated reasons. Over the last few years, political space for opposition voices has become more limited. Arrests and detention for unregistered religious activity continues in some localities. In recent years, authorities have also destroyed or closed a number of mosques. Corruption remains pervasive, as does the lack of accountability for torture of individuals in detention, violence against journalists, and excessive use of force against peaceful demonstrators." (

Efrafan Warren
"'...When General WOundwort came, he had made them move to Efrafa and then he'd worked out this whole system of concealment and perfected it until rabbits in Efrafa were as safe as stars in the sky. Most rabbits here die of old age, unless the Owsla kill them off,' she said"(Adams 235).

"'But I do know one thing- If I do succeed in getting any does out of here, I'll take that poor wretched Blackavar with me as well. Frith on a bridge! It makes me angry just to think of him being forced to sit there like that. General Woundwort indeed! A gun's too good for him'"(Adams 318).

Azerbaijan, located right where Europe and Asia meet, could easily be considered a modern day Efrafa. In both situations, there is a fascist and oppressive leader governing over the citizens. In both cases, the citizens want to flee but are unable to, and in both cases they realize that something is wrong and protest for their rights.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

New Warren on the Belt

"On February 4, 2003 the Yugoslav parliament adopted the Constitutional Charter of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, marking the beginning of a new reformed state, replacing the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia." (

New Warren on the Belt

"A rabbit has two ears; a rabbit has two eyes, two nostrils. Our two warrens ought to be like that. They ought to be together—not fighting. We ought to make other warrens between us—start one between here and Efrafa, with rabbits from both sides. You wouldn't lose by that, you'd gain. We both would. A lot of your rabbits are unhappy now and it's all you can do to control them, but with this plan you'd soon see a difference. Rabbits have enough enemies as it is. They ought not to make more among themselves. A mating between free, independent warrens—what do you say?" (Adams 420).

"The warren prospered and so, in the fullness of time, did the new warren on the belt, half Watership and half Efrafan-the warren that Hazel had first envisaged on that terrible evening when he set out alone to face General Woundwort and try to save his friends against all odds" (Adams 473).


While it was still together, the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro was strong and prosperous, much like the New Warren on the Belt. In both cases, the union was put into place in order to strengthen themselves over all. In the case of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, they unified after the fall of the Soviet Union. When considering the New Warren on the Belt, which was formed from Efrafa and Watership Down rabbits, it becomes clear that they too joined in order to obtain strength. 

Cowslip's Warren

"In the ongoing genocide, African farmers and others in Darfur are being systematically displaced and murdered at the hands of the Janjaweed. The genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people. More than one hundred people continue to die each day; five thousand die every month. The Sudanese government disputes these estimates and denies any connection with the Janjaweed." (

Cowslip's Warren

"His [Bigwig's] body was twisted and his hind parts and back legs still lay along the ground. His eyes were open, but his face was such a fearful mask of blood, foam, vomit, and earth that he looked more like some demon creature than a rabbit" (Adams 114).

"The rabbits became strange in many ways, different from other rabbits. They knew well enough what was happening. But even to themselves, they pretended that all was well" (Adams 116).


Darfur, a France-sized region with Sudan, is in the midst of a genocide, linking it closely to Cowslip's Warren. In both instances, the citizens are being targeted by a nearby enemy. Within Darfur, the enemy is a government funded group, and within Cowslip's Warren the enemy is the farmer. In both cases, people/rabbits know what is going on and are not able to protect themselves easily and many times have absolutely no control over the situation. 

Sandleford Warren

"Syria's one of the more corrupt states in the region, with bribery being a crucial lubricant for doing almost anything. Some protesters are longtime democracy activists. Some, especially in the north, are likely Islamists demanding a greater voice. The lack of shared goals among protesters across Syria could prove to be problematic for activists hoping to topple Assad or even extract serious reforms."(The Daily

Sandleford Warren

"I dare say a good many rabbits would have kept quiet and thought about keeping on the right side of the chief, but I'm afraid I'm not much good at that" (Adams 14).


Syria can be considered a modern day Sandleford Warren due to the similarities in the societal situations going on in each place. In both cases, there are inhabitants unhappy with the way society is being run, and have chosen to change it. In the case of Syria, by way of rebellion and mass exodus. In the case of Sandleford Warren, a group of rabbits leave for a better life.