Monday, September 19, 2011


"The human rights situation in the country remains poor, with backsliding in some areas, especially media freedom, religious freedom, and political participation. Restrictions on freedom of assembly, expression, and religion continue, as do arbitrary arrest and detention, and the imprisonment of persons for politically motivated reasons. Over the last few years, political space for opposition voices has become more limited. Arrests and detention for unregistered religious activity continues in some localities. In recent years, authorities have also destroyed or closed a number of mosques. Corruption remains pervasive, as does the lack of accountability for torture of individuals in detention, violence against journalists, and excessive use of force against peaceful demonstrators." (

Efrafan Warren
"'...When General WOundwort came, he had made them move to Efrafa and then he'd worked out this whole system of concealment and perfected it until rabbits in Efrafa were as safe as stars in the sky. Most rabbits here die of old age, unless the Owsla kill them off,' she said"(Adams 235).

"'But I do know one thing- If I do succeed in getting any does out of here, I'll take that poor wretched Blackavar with me as well. Frith on a bridge! It makes me angry just to think of him being forced to sit there like that. General Woundwort indeed! A gun's too good for him'"(Adams 318).

Azerbaijan, located right where Europe and Asia meet, could easily be considered a modern day Efrafa. In both situations, there is a fascist and oppressive leader governing over the citizens. In both cases, the citizens want to flee but are unable to, and in both cases they realize that something is wrong and protest for their rights.

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