Monday, September 19, 2011

Warren on Watership Down

Indonesian Flag

"On 26 December 2004, a massive earthquake and tsunami devastated parts of northern Sumatra, particularly Aceh. Partly as a result of the need for cooperation and peace during the recovery from the tsunami in Aceh, peace talks between the Indonesian government and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) were restarted. Accords signed in Helsinki created a framework for military de-escalation in which the government has reduced its military presence, as members of GAM's armed wing decommission their weapons and apply for amnesty. The agreement also allows for Acehnese nationalist forces to form their own party, and other autonomy measures." (

Warren on Watership Down
“Since leaving the warren of the snares they had become warier, shrewder, a tenacious band who understood each other and worked together. There was no more quarreling. The truth about the warren had been a grim shock. They had come closer together, relying on and valuing each other’s capacities. They knew now that it was on these and on nothing else that their lived depended, and they were not going to waste anything they possessed between them” (Adams 122).


When looking at Indonesia and the warren on Watership Down, many connections can be drawn. In both situations, the people/rabbits involved come out better in the end after surviving harsh circumstances and disasters together. In the case of Indonesia, the country as a whole strengthened gastronomically after the earthquake and tsunami, as did the rabbits in the warren on Watership Down after escaping from Cowslip's Warren. 

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